Thursday, January 20, 2011

Activity 3 1-20-11 Gas Excitation Spectra

Make observation of excited state gases.

Activity 2 1-20-11 Antacids

Write the formula for Tums? How does Tums chemically react with water and stomach acid?

How many Tums are needed to neutralize a can of coke?

Activity 1 1-20-11 Experimental Design and Conclusions

Reflect on the expansion of water and salt water experiments you and your classmates performed. What are some of the interesting results and struggles with this experiment.

Relate your thoughts on this experiment to the scientific question "Is the earth warming?"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Homework 2 1-19-11 Stuff around us? and last homework

For your last homework assignment, choose 20 items around you in your world and list their ingredients or materials down to the molecular level. List the chemical names of the ingredients and show a molecular structure image.

Homework 1 1-19-11

Use the pH paper to develop a table and graph of the pH of common things around your home. Think in terms of at least 10 different liquids.

Develop an experiment to see how much antacid is needed to neutralize an acidic liquid.

Activity 5 1-19-11 pH

Describe pH, present a table of pH ranges for some common things.

If something is pH 3 and something else is pH 4, which is more acidic and by how much?

Activity 4 1-19-11 Dissolving

Show an image or animation or description of what is happening when water dissolves NaCl.

Why is the freezing point lowered when salt is added to water?

Activity 3 1-19-11 Crystal Structures

Show crystal structures fo NaCl (sodium chloride)and CaCO3 (calcium carbonate). what is the melting point for these two materials.

Activity2 1-19-11 Weather and Bernouli Principle

Describe some common weather occurences in relation to the gas laws and characteristics we have been exploring.

What is the Bernouli Principle, provide an example or application of this.

Activity 1 1-19-11 Ideal Gas Law

What is the tire pressure at -20°F compared to 90°F, assuming the starting pressure was 32 psi?

Homework 1-18-11 Freezing

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Activity 2 1-18-11 Molecular Masses

List the molecular masses of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and helium. Explain how you get this from the Periodic Table.

Activity 1 1-18-11 Burning Candle Observations

What is burning? Show the chemical formula and an image of the structure.

Write the chemical reaction.

Write the balanced chemical reaction.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Homework 1-13-11

Explain what happened in that mountain village we described in class. You explanation will need to include detail that includes density and molecular weight of gases.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Activity 5 1-13-11 Pressure

How much pressure do you place on someone when you stand on them?

Activity 4 1-13-11 Gas Observations

Why did balloons get bigger when the pump was turned on? What was happening at the molecular level?

Activity 3 1-13-11 What is Soap?

Show a chemical structure for soap.

What is unique about the polarity(charge characteristics) of soap?

How does soap work?

Activity 2 1-13-11 Vitamin Solubllity

Show the chemical structure of vitamin C and Vitamin E and describe which one is water soluble and which is fat soluble.

Activity 1 1-13-11 Surface Chemical MAke-up

What is the chemicals and their structures that make up cardboard?

What is the chemicals and their structures that make up styrofoam?

What is the chemicals and their structures that make up waxes?

Explain why water is attracted to cardboard and not styrofoam.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Homework 1-12-11

Prepare to present the results of the Liquids/Surfaces experiment.

Items to present:

1. pictures of observations
2. collected data
3. data in a graph/plot/table
4. conclusions based on data related to the molecular attractions and/or repulsions of the various chemicals or materials observed.

Activity-3 1-12-11 Dimensional Analysis/Metric System

List the common units for mass, volume, and length in the metric system.

List the common prefixes for "big" metric items and "small" metric items.

Convert 12 inches into m.

Convert 30 mpg to km/l.

Activity 2 1-12-11 DHMO

Would you give DHMO to your mother?

Do you think that the government should spend money to research this chemical?

Focus on the DHMO for you mother question, and tie your process for answering this question to the scientific process.

Activity-1 1-12-11Scientific Method

Talk about process regarding car that does not start, what do you do?

What is the Scientific Method, explain the process and steps?

Relate the scientific process to the experiment that you performed on surfaces and liquids.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Homework 1-11-11

Design and perform an experiment that characterizes the interactions of liquid droplets with different surfaces. Post pictures, data and graphs that document your experiment.

Activity 4 1-11-11 Water?

What elements make up water?

Is water an ionic compound or a covalent compound?

What is the shape of water?

Why does water stick to itself?

Why does water not stick to or mix with oil?

Activity 3 1-11-11 Bonding of Atoms

Describe covalent and ionic bonding?

What is electronegativity?

List the electronegativity values for H, Na, Cl, and O.

Activity 2 1-11-11 Electron Reflection

Describe (in your own words) the behavior and characteristics of electrons.

Activity 1 1-11-11 How do I learn?

Describe something that you have learned.

How did that process occur?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Student Blogs

Homework 1-10-11

Develop a model for you favorite atom or element. Post a picture, diagram, video and description of this model. Be sure to include all of the particles and some how model their behavior and characteristics.

Activity 3 1-10-11

What is an Atom?

What are the particles that make up an atom, list their mass and charge?

What is the size of an atom?

What is the shape of an atom, where are the particles?

What are the characteristics of electrons?

Activity 2 1-10-11

What is Atomic Mass?

What is a dozen?

What is a case?

What is a gross?

What is a mole?

How many planet earths are needed to have a mole of people?

Activity 1 Monday 1-10-11 Periodic Table

What do the numbers represent? Upper left and upper right?

What do the letters represent? Mg for example

What is the difference between Na and K?
Welcome to CHEM-105 Visualizing Chemistry